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Year 2 Deer

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Year 2 Deer

Mrs Wood (Mon - Thurs) and Miss Rigden (Fridays)

Deer Clipart Clipart - Clip Art Vectors - Graphics - Illustrations

Home learning

Reading (10 minutes per day)

Please read with your child every day for approximately 10 minutes. It is important that reading is recorded in your child's reading record at least two to three times a week. 

Children can change their books every day or as needed.

Spellings (15 minutes per week) 

This week we have been spelling Challenge wordsThese are set in Ed Shed. 

Your username and password for Ed Shed is at the beginning of your reading records.  

Maths (20 minutes per week)

Recap number bonds to 10, 20 and 100


Other home learning resources children can use: 

Scratch       IXL            Purple Mash              BBC Bitesize                  Oxford Owl

Notices for this half-term

PE this half-term.

PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday this half-term. 

Please ensure full PE kit is worn on this day, including jogging trousers / leggings and shorts. 


Please check at home for any library books. We are starting to collect overdue books.

Taste of our learning

Friday 12th July

Class reader - Carnival of the Animals (A whole new world of animal poems)

What adjectives did the author use?

Do you have a favourite poem? Why was it your favourite?

How is a poem different to fiction?

Picture news

Friday 5th July

Class reader - Katie's picture show

What does the story remind you of?

Have you ever been to an art gallery?

What mischief did Katie get up to in the story? 

Picture news

Friday 28th June

Class reader - The year we muddled through

Did you enjoy the story?

If so, what was your favourite part? Why?

Does it remind you of anything?

Picture news

Friday 21st June

Class reader - Superheroes are everywhere

Who makes you feel special?

Who makes you feel brave?

Who stands up for what's right in your life?

Who helps you explore?

Picture news

Class reader - Stanley's stick

Which items did the stick turn into? 

Why do you think Stanley enjoyed creating different things with the stick?

Did you have a favourite? Why?

Picture news

Friday 7th June

Class reader - A little bit brave

When have you had to be brave? 

Did it remind you of a situation you have been in before? 

Picture news

Thursday 23rd May

Class reader - The story of Titanic for children

The Story of the Titanic for Children: Astonishing little-known facts and details about the most famous ship in the world

What is your favourite fact about the Titanic?

Do you think the sinking of the Titanic was a triumph or a tragedy?

Picture news

Friday 17th May

Class reader - The story of Titanic for children

The Story of the Titanic for Children: Astonishing little-known facts and details about the most famous ship in the world

Why did the 'unsinkable' Titanic sink?

What lessons have we learnt from this tragedy?

Picture news

Friday 10th May

Class reader - You wouldn't want to sail on the Titanic!

What ideas did the designers have when building the ship? 

Why did they think the Titanic was unsinkable? 

Which famous people were on board the ship?

Picture news


Friday 3rd May

Class reader - Samson's Titanic journey

How did Samson feel at the beginning of the story?

How did he describe the Titanic?

Did Samson's feelings/behaviour change throughout the story?

How? Why?

Where do you think Samson's adventures could lead him?

Picture news

Friday 26th April

Class reader - Titanic

Kids' Books - Titanic (Young Reading (Series 3))

What is the story of the Titanic?

Can you remember the timeline of the events that unfolded on the night the Titanic sank?

Who were the people responsible?

Picture news


Friday 19th April


Class reader- There's a snake in my school


What are Miranda's emotions throughout the story?

Why do they change?

Does this story remind you of other stories that you have read before?

Picture news

Wednesday 27th March

Well done Year 2 for another really busy half-term. You have all worked really hard in all subjects and have progressed amazingly this year. This half-term you particularly shone in your class assembly. You were all so confident with your lines and, of course, the two songs that you loved practising and singing. Fantastic work you should all be proud of yourselves. 

Have a lovely Easter break and I will see you in the summer term. 

Mrs Wood

Friday 22nd March

Class reader - Bodhi sees the world

What challenges did Bodhi face when travelling to Thailand?

How did her attitude and feelings change throughout the story?

Why do you think these feelings changed?

Picture news

Friday 15th March

Class reader - Lost and Found

Who does the boy find at the door? 

Is this something you would expect to find at your door?

What does the boy realise when he leaves the penguin?

Where could they go next?

Picture news

Friday 8th March

World Book Day

Class reader - Oh the places you'll go

If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?


Does this story remind you of any other books that you have read? How is it similar?

Picture news

Friday 1st March

Class reader - Dogs don't do ballet

Dogs Don't Do Ballet: Kemp, Anna, Ogilvie, Sara:  9781847384744: Books

‘My poor dog stops wagging his tail and his ears droop down at the ends’

How do you know that Biff is feeling sad?

What is the repeated phrase in the book?

Why do you think the author repeats this phrase?

Picture news

Friday 23rd February

Class reader- Dogs dont do ballet!

Dogs Don't Do Ballet: Kemp, Anna, Ogilvie, Sara:  9781847384744: Books

Why do you think the dog only wanted to join in with ballet and not do the usual dog things?

How does the dogs feelings change throughout the story? Why do you think these feelings change?

Picture News

Friday 9th February

Picture News

Class reader

We have continued to use the story, The Koala Who Could, as a stimulus for our writing. This week, we have researched Australian animals and written an information text about them.



Class reader - The rhyming rabbit

The Rhyming Rabbit by Julia Donaldson - Audiobook -

Can you remember the rhyming words in the book?

Are there any other rhyming books that you have read that are similar to the 'rhyming rabbit'?

Friday 12th January

Class reader - The smartest giant in town

Are there other stories that are similar to this story?

How are they similar? Character, actions of the character, theme of the story?


Wednesday 3rd January

Happy New Year, I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. :)  


Class reader - The smartest giant in town

What type of person is George the giant? e.g. kind, greedy, unhelpful?

How do you know? What actions/ things does he do/ say to suggest he is this type of person?

Do you know any other stories by this author? Which is your favourite and why?

Friday 15th December

We did it! We completed an amazing nativity. I am so proud of all of you. The singing, acting and dancing were amazing. I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and I will see you all in the new year. Love Mrs Wood :) x

Friday 8th December

Class reader - Elmer in the snow

Elmer in the Snow - Bedtime Story Read Aloud - (David Mckee). - YouTube

What other adventures has Elmer been on?

What do you like about the snow?


Friday 1st December

Class reader - All are welcome

All Are Welcome : Penfold, Alexandra, Kaufman, Suzanne: Books

What is the message in the story?

What did you learn? 

What features show that it is a fiction book?

Friday 24th November

Class reader - Gorilla

Gorilla : Browne, Anthony, Browne, Anthony: Books

How do you think the gorilla is feeling and why?

Where do you think he belongs?

What might have happened to him?

Friday 17th November

Class reader - The lost words - range of different poems.

The Lost Words: Rediscover our natural... by Macfarlane, Robert

Which poem is your favourite? Why?

How is a poem laid out differently to other texts that you have read?

Which new adjectives did you learn this week?

Friday 10th November

Class reader -Peace Lily

Peace lily: the world war 1battlefield nurse - paperback new robinson, hilar 08

Does this book remind you of any other stories? 

Did it remind you of a character in another story?

How did the story make you feel?


Friday 3rd November

Class reader -Where the Poppies now grow

Where the Poppies now grow -

Where is the story set?

How did the story make you feel?

What emotions did you feel throughout the story? Did they change?

Friday 20th October

Class reader - Hamilton's hats

Hamiltons Hats: 9781509801527: Books

Can you remember the type of hats that Hamilton had?

What adjectives can you remember from the book?

How did Hamilton help the mouse?


Friday 13th October

Class reader - The girl, the bear and the magical shoes


The Girl, the Bear and the Magic Shoes : Donaldson, Julia, Monks, Lydia: Books


Why do you think the girl was running away from the bear?

Can you think of other things that the shoes could turn into?

Did you enjoy the story? Why? 

Friday 6th October

DT - We made jam sandwiches!

To finish our writing topic on 'The lighthouse keepers lunch' we wrote instructions on how to make a jam sandwich. The children had fun giving me instructions on how to make a jam sandwich. They soon realised they had to be more specific with their vocabulary and recognised the importance of putting the instructions in the correct order.  

In their sandwich instructions they used 'Imperative verbs’ which are bossy doing words, such as 'spread', 'cut' and 'eat'.  They used time vocabulary such as 'first', 'then', 'after that' and 'finally'. 

After writing their instructions, they made their own sandwich and followed the instructions carefully. 

Can you follow instructions correctly at home? 

Were you successful in your activity if you followed the instructions carefully?

Class reader - The Tiger who came to tea

🐯 The Tiger Who Came To Tea - Kids Book Read aloud - YouTube

How did the author describe the tiger?

How would you describe him?

What activities did the tiger get up to?


Friday 29th September

We have been continuing our topic in Science called 'Animals including humans'. So far the children have been talking about the 5 different animal groups and finding out and discussing the word 'maturity'. This week the children have been looking at a variety of animals and sorting whether they look like their adult or don't look like their adult. They discussed their findings in groups and then shared as a class. They thought about whether there was a pattern of animals that did/did not look their adult in certain animal groups. Next week the children are going to be starting to think about humans and the different stages that a human goes through.

Don't forget your height recordings next week as we are going to be using these in the next two lessons!  


Can you remember the 5 different animal groups?

What is meaning of the word offspring?

Class reader - Tabby McTat

BBC announces Tabby McTat, a star-studded animation based on the book by  Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler - Media Centre

How did Sock feel at different parts of the story?

Why does his thoughts and feelings change throughout the story?


Friday 22nd September

We have been continuing with our maths unit on partitioning. The children have been using and finding different methods to find the tens and ones in a variety of different numbers. This week we have been looking at how we can partition the same number in different ways, such as the numbers 54 = 50 and 4, 54 = 40 and 14, 54 = 30 and 24, 54 = 20 and 34, 54 = 10 and 44.

The children have used a variety of dienes, bead strings and counters to partition a number in different ways. 


​Can you partition the number 67? Have a go at 99!

How many ways can you split these numbers?


Class reader: Sharing a shell

Buy Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson With Free Delivery |

What objects did the slug choose as a shell?

Why were those objects not good choices?

What do you think the message was in the story?

Friday 15th September

Lighthouse keepers lunch

This week our writing has been focused around the story, The lighthouse keepers lunch. The children have been thinking of some amazing prediction's about what might happen to the lunch, such as the seagulls taking it, pirates stealing it, or the wire snapping and the basket falling into the sea. Throughout the week we have been focusing on the subordinating conjunctions 'because, if, when and that' and we have completed activities on how we use them in a sentence. 

We finished the week with the children thinking about all the disgusting things that you could put in a sandwich to make it less appetising for a seagull. They described their sandwich and gave their reason for the choice of filling using the subordinating conjunction 'because'. 


Can you write a sentence with a subordinating conjunction? (if, because, when, that)

What would your favourite sandwich be and why?

Class reader: Little beauty

Little Beauty - YouTube

Did you enjoy the story? Why?

How did the story make you feel?

Why do you think Beauty lied for the gorilla?


Friday 8th September 2023


Hello and welcome to Year 2. It has been such a busy but lovely week getting to know everybody. It has been great to see how well the children work together and how independent they all are already. This week we have been going over Year 2 expectations and the children have created a class charter. They discussed the rules of the classroom that they believe should happen in Year 2 and everyone has agreed on them. The children created their own individual puzzle piece, we spoke about how we are all part of a puzzle and for our class to work well we all need to work together as a whole. 


What is a successful learner? 

This week we read the story called 'The Rainbow Fish'. This is about a fish who chose to be unkind and to not work or share with others. We spoke about different attributes in our self which makes us a successful learner. We created our own Rainbow fish by all decorating our own fish scale. We spoke about the different qualities we need to be a successful learner and related this to the different story characters in our classroom. 

Year 2 ambassadors

Arts Ambassador: Noah

Eco Ambassador: Pippa

School councillor: Catherine

Well done to our ambassadors, I know that you will represent year 2 really well. 

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Music Mark
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark