Year 4 Bee Class
Mrs Pruden
PE Days: Tuesdays and Fridays (no jewellery - including watches)
15th November - Homelearning
I have added this half-term's curriculum letter to the bottom of this web-page.
Reading - 20/30 minutes daily
Spellings - We have started to learn words that have the 'il/im/ir' prefix, meaning not. There are words on Edshed to practise.
Maths challenge - Our unit until Christmas is on multiplication and division - this is a real chance to consolidate and re-learn those times tables you learnt in Year 2, 3 and the ones we've covered so far in Year 4 (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11). Please use the games on Purple Mash, the times tables area or just chant them! (Some children have chosen to take a photocopied sheet too).
Please continue to practise those 'tricky' times tables on the post-it note and any blanks/mistakes on the times tables sheet.
Science research: We are about to start our next Science unit, 'Digestion,' and I would like the class to research an amazing scientist called Marie Maynard Daly. Please be ready to share an interesting fact you've found out about her and why she is a significant scientist.
Class reader: The Thames and Tide club by K Balen
Blooms question: Which other books have you read that have an opening like this?
A taste of our learning