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Year 5 Swifts

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Mr Christofa

Swift Class

P.E days: Mondays (normal PE) and Tuesdays - from 10th September (swimming). Please ensure correct P.E kit is worn on these days. No jewellery should be worn to school on these days. 

Pencil case: Please make sure your pencil case includes the following: a blue handwriting pen, a red pen, a whiteboard pen, a pencil, ruler, rubber, a pair of scissors, a sharpener and glue stick.  

Home learning menu: 

English: Write a 5 sentence poem about World War 2, trying to include some factual information and some tools which will emote a response from the reader (Show, not tell, empty words, emotive vocabulary, etc). (20 minutes) 

Maths: Pick 10 different numbers between 100,000 and 1,000,000. Now add 100,000 more to each number and then 100,000 less. (10 minutes)

Science: Create a leaflet educating a member of your household on fossils. Use the internet if you need to for some additional facts. (30 minutes) 

A taste of our learning

This week, Swift class have been learning the skills to be safe online. Below is a fantastic example of a poster they created to educate others! 

Picture News

Author Study/Class Reader

Our author for this half term is Michael Morpurgo. In class, we have been reading My Friend Walter and Friend Or Foe. 

This week's learning question from the Blooms questions at the back of children's reading records should be taken from the Questioning section. Remember to highlight the question once chosen, so you choose a different question next week. 

The Autumn reading challenge begins this week (launched in Friday's assembly). It is attached at the bottom of the page. Good luck children and keep reading! 

Rights Respecting Charter

Below is Year 5's agreed Rights Respecting Charter. 

Learning behaviours 

These are:

-Be your best

-Learning comes first

-Pay it forward

-Worry about you

-Say no to hate

-No excuses

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Music Mark
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark