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What does Langrish Primary School want for its pupils?

At Langrish Primary School, we aim to empower every child to take ownership of their learning; our curriculum is designed to facilitate this with opportunities for children to lead, teach, support and mentor each other. Pupils are widely read, motivated to learn and enthusiastic to develop their knowledge and skills. We enjoy a high level of engagement from parents and carers, who are keen to support children’s learning beyond the classroom.

Our curriculum is a vehicle for the development of expertise, providing opportunities for children to practice skills needed for later life. Learning questions and open-ended problem solving are employed, which inspire the children to reflect on the purpose of their education and to make connections with the wider world. We help pupils to become digital learners and computational thinkers, who can manipulate their skills to fit an as-yet unknown context. All subjects are equally valued.

In order to sustain children’s enthusiasm, the Langrish curriculum is designed to be fun, engaging and inspiring. It is the children’s curiosity, which informs the direction and content of the learning. Pupils are encouraged to explore different learning styles so that they can excel as experts in any field, supported by teachers who are facilitators of learning. Children feel safe to try new things.

 As citizens within a Rights’ Respecting School, our children are encouraged to consider differing perspectives and contexts beyond their immediate experiences, thus developing a deeper understanding of global citizenship. The School Parliament is central to our ideology: pupil voice is strong with five elected councils representing the student body to influence the curriculum and other themes that are of importance to them. Langrish children are heard and valued.


Intent, Implementation and Impact:

Please click on the subject specific links at the top of this page to find out more.

In addition, the Long Term Plan (LTP) for the school is attached at the bottom of this page together with the Y5 / 6 coverage for SRE.

Specific half-term curriculum updates for each class are published on the class webpage.

For more information on our curriculum, please email your enquiry to

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark
  • Music Mark