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Year 4 Bee Class

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Mrs Pruden

Friday 3rd May

PE days - Tuesday and Thursday

Class reader: Truckers by Terry Pratchett

Blooms question: What's your favourite part of the book? Explain why


Spellings: we have been re-visiting possessive apostrophes, especially with regard to plurals this week.  As well as games on Edshed, please have a look in books, or on shop signs tec for the correct (and sometimes incorrect) use of the possessive apostrophe - tell me what you find!

Math:  we've been learning about money this week - if you're out and about shopping do discuss the amounts of money that you see (I know that a lot of people use cards to pay) - think about how you could make this up with coins/notes.  What change would you get? etc.

ICT - to help aid digital literacy, please can your child practise their speed typing on bbc dancemat.  This will help with future written tasks and basics like logging on to computers if they are more confident with the location of keys and use of shift/caps lock.

A Taste of our Learning


Happy Easter!

We have had a wonderful Christmas Jumper day!


We had a wonderful time in Forest school on Wednesday.  What new things did you try?  



Useful Websites: 


Purple Mash

Spelling Shed

BBC Bitesize

Oxford Owl

Times tables games:

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